
Ogura Cheese Cake

Ini pertama kali saya buat Ogura hasilnya notbad lah. Mudah mudah an lain kali bisa lebih bagus dan mulus ya kalau bikin lagi.

Ogura cake itu terkenal karena moist dan enak, penasaran juga pengen nyobain yang versi cheese dan hasilnya memang ngeju banget rasanya tapi gak bikin eneg juga. Jadi gak sabar pengen nyobain yang versi pandan, coklat dan lainnya.

Untuk pengovenan saya pakai sistem uap, jadi taruh loyang isi ait di rak bawah lalu rak atasnya buat manggang cake nya. Mungkin ini juga salah satu nya kenapa cake jadi lembut.

Recipe adapted from bakingdairy blog.

By Diana

Ingredients for egg yolk mixrure : 
70 gram superfine flour - sifted
5 egg yolks
1 whole egg
60 ml corn oil
50 gram of cheedar
45 ml milk

Ingredients for Egg White Mixture:-
5 egg whites
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
1/4 tsp salt
80 gram fine granulated sugar

How to make :
Mixer egg white until frothy, add cream of tartar until slightly foamy. Add sugar in 3 batches mixer until soft peaks. Set a side.
Mixer in a low speed egg yolk, cheddar until creamy. Drizzle in corn oil followed by milk beating until well combine. Add in the flour and salt, fold until batter is smooth. 

With a spatula, fold in half of the merigue into egg yolk mixture. Lift and fold until well combined, then add to rest meringue. Fold again until well mix.

Pour batter into 20x20 cm square pan (line base with baking paper at the bottin only). Shake the pan lightly and the batter will spread out evenly.

Steam bake on the lower rack in oven  at 160'c for 10 minutes, then lower heat to 150'c and bake for a further 40 minutes.
Invert the cake after baking on a wire rack and let it cool slightly
(about 5 minutes) before removing the pan baking paper.
Cool cake completely before slicing to serve.
